LATIN queens the future oF our Communities

Runway & PRint MODEL

E SIGNATUREvegan hair & makeup team offers hands-on training in styling & airbrush makeup..This program is under the guidance of world-renowned Stylists & Makeup artist passionate about making your DREAMS come true... We are committed to helping you succeed as a true young PROFESSIONAL...

Few things to know making sure you have the look & talent you need to work.. That is where we come into assist you to develop the qualitypersonality to work.. Making life easier to start your young career off STRONG... Knowingwhat to do and how to market yourself.. When a project calls for someone to stand next to a NEW product or to WEAR a clothing line down the runway... So, when we look at different types of modeling being demanded by clients, the requirements for a given type of modeling and if your physical, talent and personality are right... YOU will be working!!! 


Pageantry gives women the opportunity to pursue their LIFE goals and attain local, statewide, national & international exposure. The winning crown serves as a major vehicle to promote her interest, favorite charity & much, much more... She becomes a role model in her respected community to young women all over theWORLD... 

hAIR & mAKEUP design

Miss Primavera